More Than a Church
A Christian Discipleship and outreach ministry for youth. A place where youth can fellowship,
worship, hear Gods word, study the bible And receive Christian education, after school tutoring and Literacy center. We have a Hybrid Homeschool Academy Drop off program. Children feel loved and cared for here and are taught various life skills, art, music and other various electives.
Dad’s Love Ministries endeavors to share the gospel through every means possible, care for widows and orphans, and bring biblical solutions to poverty within reach of the poor communities. We partner with other churches in the community working side by side for the same goal. Resources and referrals are available for many needs including substance abuse, counseling, pantries, or any other immediate needs.
Former outreaches in NYC, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Brazil and Guatemala.
Reaches youth and families with the message of God’s enduring love for them and He has a special plan for their lives.
Adults are welcome to our mid-week prayer live stream from Times Square Church worldwide prayer meeting
Dinner is served all nights . Discipleship Bible study for youth.
Although many of their fathers may have deserted them, kids here learn that their heavenly Father will never leave them nor forsake them. The goal at Dad’s Love Ministries is to to reach this generation and the next as we introduce as many people as possible to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the tangible love of the Father.
Our Events
Something for Everyone

Youth Bible Club
ages 10-12 discover the Bible and connect with God by the Holy Spirit in a fun exciting creative way! Prayer, scripture memory games, Music, arts, crafts, sewing, crocheting, object lessons, role play, drama, outreaches to community, practical life skills. Building relationships in a wholesome godly atmosphere. Learning to cope with life’s challenges with Jesus. Character building through Bible stories. We also have a mentoring program. Dinner is served.

Youth Bible Study
Youth Bible Study is where Youth can come learn about God through worship, Bible study, and prayer. Importance is put on spending time with God daily.There are community volunteering, youth discover their gifts and talents and strengths and build upon these. Arts, crafts, sewing ,entrepreneur training, character building, career guidance, and academic tutoring etc. We take trips education spiritual and fun throughout the year.

Literacy Project!
Youth become better readers and learn to read through our literacy project . One on One and small groups. Phonics is the true gateway to reading. It helps students become smooth, confident and comprehending readers. We use an intensive phonics method that helps students develop the necessary tools to decode and analyze words. Hands on and sensory activities are used to reinforce learning.

3 days Revival🩷 prayer❤️word
Teens and kids 3 days of prayer ❤️ worship and word. Message hearing Gods voice Deborah LaPlante Live stream worship from Time Square Church NYC. Prayer for the kids teens and their families and the many obstacles they face. As the Holy Spirit leads. There is a revival amoung the young people Cafe hangout open for free snacks and lattes!

Teen Discipleship
Teens really get into the word and learn biblical worldview, history, topics, doctrine How to study the Bible using different tools. Personal devotion with God daily and applying God’s word to their lives and serving others in love. Wed- Sat 6pm

Christmas trips
Christmas trips in December events: walk in Bethlehem and big Christmas party and giftsThe week of December18th we will be deliveringi Christmas gifts to the children’s doors and praying for the families thank you for all that donated for the children’s gifts!

Arts, crafts, and life skills
Dad’s Love Ministries is a place where youth can discover their God given gifts talents and abilitiesThrough various arts, crafts and skills taught nurtured and developed. These classes are all woven into our discipleship classes
Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss out on any future events.

Reap the benefits of others
When you give to the life of the youth your gift goes on for generations Every one that serves is equally important and God uses the gifts He gives us to benefit others Please contact us 724-553-4519 for an interview

The Joy of Generosity
The generosity of the people helps create more opportunities for people to experience a life changing relationship
with Jesus, and there’s no greater impact we can make together.
Your giving to Dad’s Love is reaching this generation and the next. You make it possible! All donations are sacred to us. Thank you for your generosity.
Dad's Love Ministries is a non profit qualified 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law

Dad’s Love Ministries Inc.
Ask a question, share a story, or sign up for updates.
5114 Verona Rd. Verona PA 15147